Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

Hajj Ritual

- Title

- License

The Obligatory Rituals of the Pilgrimage
- When Does Performing the Pilgrimage Become a Duty?
- Under Which Conditions Does Hağğatu-l-Islām Become a Duty?

Making a Will Regarding the Pilgrimage
- Making a Will Regarding the Pilgrimage

The Rules for Pilgrimage by Proxy
- The Rules for Pilgrimage by Proxy

The Optional Pilgrimage
- The Optional Pilgrimage

Various Kinds of ´Umrah
- Various Kinds of ´Umrah

Types of Pilgrimage
- Types of Pilgrimage
- Hağğu-t-Tamattu´
- There are 13 obligatory ceremonies of Hajj
- Hağğu-l-Ifrād
- Hağğu-l-Qirān

Mawāqīt: the Places Where The State of Consecration is Assumed
- Mawāqīt: the Places Where The State of Consecration is Assumed
- The Rules for the Mīqāt

The Procedure of Entering the State of Consecration (State of ihrām)
- The Procedure of Entering the State of Consecration (State of ihrām)
- First: The Intention (niyyah)
- Second: The Talbiyyah
- Third: Wearing the Iḥrām Clothing

Prohibitions During the State of Consecration
- Prohibitions During the State of Consecration
- 1. Hunting:
- 2. Sexual Activity
- 3. Kissing One's Spouse
- 4. Touching One's Spouse
- 5. Looking at and Touching One's Spouse
- 6. Masturbation
- 7. Conclusion of a Marriage Contract
- 8. The Use of Perfume
- 9. Wearing Sewn Clothes
- 10. Applying Kohl
- 11. Looking in the Mirror
- 12. Wearing Shoes, Socks or Stockings
- 13. Dissolute Behavior (Fusūq)
- 14. Quarrelling
- 15. Killing Lice and Other Insects Found on the Human Body
- 16. Beautification
- 17. Applying Body Oil
- 18. Removing Hair From the Body
- 19. Covering the Head (for Males)
- 20. Covering the Face (in Case of Females)
- 21. Seeking Shelter From the Sun and the Rain (This Applies to Men)
- 22. Bleeding
- 23. Cutting the Nails
- 24. Extraction of Teeth
- 25. Carrying Weapons
- Prohibitions Within the Holy Area (The Haram)
- The Boundaries of the Haram Area

The Place for the Sacrifice
- The Place for the Sacrifice
- The Eligible Recipients of the Compensation (Kaffārah)

- Ṯawāf
- Conditions of the Ṯawāf
- First: The intention (niyyah)
- Second: Complete and partial ritual purity (as for prayer)
- Third: Purity of the body and the clothes
- Fourth: Male circumcision
- Fifth: Covering the private parts according to Islamic rules (satru-l-´aurāh)
- Obligations of the Ṯawāf
- Stepping Out of the Area of Ṯawāf
- Interruption and Incompleteness of the Ṯawāf

The Prayer of Ṯawāf
- The Prayer of Ṯawāf

Sa´ī (the Walk Between Safa and Marwa)
- Sa´ī (the Walk Between Safa and Marwa)
- The Rules of the Sa´ī
- Doubts During the Sa´ī

Taqsīr (Cutting the Hair of the Head)
- Taqsīr (Cutting the Hair of the Head)

The State of Consecration (ihrām) for the Pilgrimage
- The State of Consecration (ihrām) for the Pilgrimage
- The Stay (Wuqūf) at Arafat
- The Stay in Muzdalifah
- Additional Rules for the Stay (in Arafat and Muzdalifah)

Obligations in Mina
- Obligations in Mina
- I. Throwing Stones at the Pillar
- II. Slaughtering a Sacrificial Animal in Mina

Shaving the Head and Cutting the Hair
- The sixth obligation:

Ṯawāf and Sa´ī
- Ṯawāf (Circumambulation of the Ka´aba) During Hajj, the Prayers and Sa´ī (Walking Between the Hills of Safa and Marwa)
- The seventh, eighth and ninth obligations:

The Ṯawāf of Women (Ṯawāf-un-nisā)
- The tenth and the eleventh obligation:

The Overnight Stay in Mina
- The twelfth obligation:

Throwing the Stones at the Pillars
- The thirteenth obligation:

Persons Who are Prevented from Performing Hajj
- Persons Who are Prevented from Performing Hajj
- Persons Who are Prevented From Completing the Pilgrimage Due to Illness and the Like

Recommended acts and supplications
- Recommended acts for the state of consecration
- Things discouraged while being in the state of ihrām
- Things recommended on entering the Haram
- Appropriate conduct when entering the Holy City of Mecca and the Holy Mosque
- Appropriate conduct for the Ṯawāf
- Appropriate conduct during the Ṯawāf prayer
- Appropriate conduct during the Sa´ī
- Appropriate conduct while in the state of ihrām during the stay at Arafat
- Appropriate conduct during the stay at Arafat
- Appropriate conduct during the stay at Muzdalifah
- Appropriate conduct when throwing small stones at the pillars
- Appropriate conduct while performing the sacrifice
- Appropriate conduct when shaving the head
- Appropriate conduct during the Ṯawāf of Hajj and Sa´ī
- Appropriate conduct in Mina
- Appropriate conduct for Mecca
- Farewell Ṯawāf
- Greeting the Great Messenger (saas)

- Definitions

- Transcription
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