Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

Hajj Ritual

18. Removing Hair From the Body

#259: A pilgrim who is in the state of ihrām is prohibited from shaving their hair and even from plucking a single one of their own or of someone else's hairs, whether or not this other person is in the state of ihrām. There are exceptions for this rule, e.g. in case of head lice infestation or if it is necessary for other reasons, it is permitted to have one's hair cut. There is no problem if hair falls out by itself in the course of making the partial ablution (wudū) or the major ritual ablution (ghusl) or if hair comes off unintentionally on removing something adhesive from the skin.

#260: If a pilgrim who is in the state of ihrām shaves their head without good cause, the kaffārah consists of one sheep. If they do it out of necessity, the penalty is either to slaughter a sheep or to fast three day or to give food to six poor people, each receiving one and a half kilos of staple food.

If armpit hair is removed, the kaffārah is one sheep. As a precautionary measure, this is also the penalty if only the hair under one arm is taken off. If the hair of the beard or any other hair is removed, the kaffārah consists of giving food to a needy person. No penalty is stipulated for a pilgrim who shaves the head of another person, whether or not that person is in the state of consecration.

#261: There is no objection to a pilgrim who is in the state of ihrām scratching their head or their body as long as it does not cause any hair to fall out or bleeding to occur. If a pilgrim strokes their head or their beard without any reason and this causes one or more hairs to fall out, they ought to donate a handful of basic food. If it happens in the course of doing the partial ablution (wudū) or a similar act, no kaffārah has to be performed.