Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

Hajj Ritual

I. Throwing Stones at the Pillar

Throwing stones at the major pillar (Ğamrat-ul-´Aqabah) on the day of the sacrifice. In doing so, the following fine points have to be observed:

1. The act has to be performed with the intention of attaining closeness to Allah.

2. Seven stones have to be thrown, no more and no less, and throwing anything other than stones is not allowed.

3. The stones must be thrown one after the other and not two or more at a time.

4. The stones have to hit the pillar.

5. The stones have to reach the pillar by being thrown and not merely by being put there.

6. The throwing of the stones that hit the pillar has to be performed by the pilgrim themselves. If e.g. the pilgrim is holding a stone in their hand and they get shoved so that the stone flies towards the pillar and hits it, the obligation is not fulfilled. The same applies if someone – a person or an animal – standing in front of the pillar makes a movement which causes the stone to reach the pillar. However, there is no problem if the stone first strikes another object and then hits the pillar.

7. The stone has to be thrown by hand. If the pilgrim uses their mouth, their foot or a tool to do it, this is not sufficient.

8. The stones must be thrown between sunrise and sunset. Women and those who belong to the group of people who are permitted to leave Muzdalifah by night may throw the stones in the night prior to the festival.

#377: If the pilgrim, in throwing the stones, is in doubt about having hit the pillar, they have to assume that they did not. There is an exception if they are already engaged in the next obligation or if it is already night when their doubt arises. Then they have to ignore it.

#378: Two things have to be kept in mind regarding the stones:

1. They must have been picked within the boundaries of the Haram but not next to the Holy Mosque or the Mosque of Chaif, and it is better to gather the stones in Muzdalifah.

2. As a precautionary measure, the pilgrim should be careful to choose stones that have not yet been used for that purpose. It is recommended that colored, spotted and porous stones, approximately the size of a fingertip, be chosen. While throwing the stones, it is recommended that one be standing and in a state of ritual purity.

#379: As a precautionary measure, the stones have to hit the area of the pillar representing its original height. It is not sufficient to hit the recently built extension or the elevation or to throw the stones from the newly constructed upper floor.

If it is not possible for the pilgrim to throw the stones at the right spots, they have to throw them at the extended section and then appoint someone to throw stones on their behalf and hit the right spots.

This rule applies to everyone.

#380: If a pilgrim forgets to throw the stones on the day of the festival or fails to do so out of ignorance of the rule or for another reason, they have to compensate for that as soon as they remember or learn about this rule. If this happens at night, they have to throw the stones the next day unless they belong to the category of people who are permitted to throw at night. If they do not remember or learn about the rule until after the 13th of Dhu-l-Hiğğah, as a precautionary measure, they have to return to Mina, then throw the stones, and the following year they have to repeat the task personally or by appointing a representative to perform it on their behalf. If the pilgrim remembers that they forgot to throw the stones or they learn about the rule after having left Mecca, they are not obligated to return to Mina, but have to repeat the act the subsequent year in person or by proxy.

#381: If a pilgrim forgets about throwing the stones on the day of the festival or they neglect it unwittingly and they do not think of it or learn about the rule until after performing the ṯawāf and then make up for it, they do not have to repeat the ṯawāf, although it is recommended. If the pilgrim fails to throw the stones for a reason other than ignorance or forgetfulness and has already performed the ṯawāf, their ṯawāf is void and they have to repeat it after throwing the stones.