Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.
There are numerous ritual behaviors to be observed in Muzdalifah; here are just a few of them:
1. Proceeding from Arafat with serenity and solemnity, seeking forgiveness and approaching the red sand hill on the right, saying:
اللهم ارحم موقفي، وزد في عملي وسلم لي ديني وتقبّل مناسكي
(O Allah! Have mercy on my situation and increase my good deeds and maintain my faith and accept my performance of these rituals.)
2. Walking steadily.
3. Delaying the performance of prayer until reaching Muzdalifah and combining the two prayers of Maghrib and Isha with one adhan and two iqāmas, even if a third of the night has already passed.
4. Descending into the valley taking the road to the right, near the Mash´ar (ritual place). For those on their first pilgrimage it is recommended that they walk.
5. Remaining awake during the night in prayer and supplication and saying:
اللهم هذه جمع، اللهم إني أسألك أن تجمع لي فيها جوامع الخير، اللهم لا تؤيسني من الخير الذي سألتك ان تجمعه لي في قلبي، وأطلب إليك أن تعرفني ما عرفت أولياءك في منزلي هذا، وأن تقيني جوامع الشرّ
(O God of this gathering, O Allah! I ask You to gather in it a collection of good for me. O Allah! Do not let me despair of the good, which I asked You to accumulate in my heart. I beseech You to grant me the knowledge which You granted Your chosen ones in this place and to guard me against the assembly of evils).
6. Remaining in state of ṯahārah, saying prayers, praising Allah, remembering Him and His Greatness as much as possible and asking Allah to send blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his progeny and then saying:
اللهم رب المشعر الحرام فك رقبتي من النار، وأوسع علي من رزقك الحلال وادرأ عني شر فسقة الجن والانس . اللهم أنت خير مطلوب اليه وخير مدعو وخير مسؤول، ولكل وافد جائزة، فاجعل جائزتي في موطني هذا أن تقيلني عثرتي وتقبل معذرتي وأن تجاوز عن خطيئتي، ثم اجعل التقوى من الدنيا زادي
(O Allah! Lord of the Holy Mash'ar (ritual places), save me from hellfire, increase Your lawful sustenance for me and spare me from me the harm of those evil ones amongst the ǧinn and mankind. O Allah! You are the best One to beseech, the best One to call upon and the best One to be in charge. As there is a reward for every visitor to this place, let my reward be that You pardon my missteps and accept my pleas for forgiveness and overlook my faults, and then let my piety be my provision in this world.)
7. Collecting seventy small stones in Muzdalifah for throwing at the pillars.
8. When passing through the valley of Muhassar, the pilgrim should accelerate their pace and say:
اللهم سلم لي عهدي، واقبل توبتي وأجب دعوتي، واخلفني بخير فيمن تركت بعدي
(O Allah! Let me fulfill my promise, accept my repentance, answer my invocations and replenish me with good for those whom I have left behind.)