Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

Islamic Laws

Following a mujtahid (Taqlid)
- Taqlid: Following a Mujtahid

- Pure and Mixed Wate
- Rules concerning use of lavatory
- Najis things
- Mutahhirat
- Wudhu
- Obligatory baths (Ghusl)
- Janabat
- Istihaza
- Hayz
- Nifas
- Ghusl for touching a dead body
- Rules related to a dying person
- Mustahab Ghusls
- Tayammum

Rules of Namaz
- Introduction
- Obligatory Namaz
- Time for Zuhr and Asr prayer
- Namaz-e-Jumuah
- Time for Maghrib and Isha prayers
- Time for Fajr prayer
- Rules regarding Namaz times
- The prayers which should be performed in sequence
- Mustahab prayers
- The timings of daily Nafilah prayers
- Ghufayla prayers
- Rules of Qibla
- Covering the body in prayers
- Place where Namaz should be prayed
- Adhan and Iqamah
- Obligatory acts relating to Namaz
- Niyyat
- Takbiratul Ehram
- Qiyam (to stand)
- Qir'at (reciting the Surah Al-Hamd and other Surah of Holy Qur'an)
- Ruku (bowing)
- Sujood
- Tashahhud
- Salam in the prayers
- Tartib (sequence)
- Muwalat (maintenance of succession)
- Qunut
- Translation of prayers
- Ta'qib (Duas after prayers)
- Salawat on the Holy Prophet
- Things which invalidate prayers
- Things which are Makrooh in prayers
- Occasions when obligatory prayers can be broken
- Doubts in the prayers
- Doubts which make prayers void
- Doubts which may be ignored
- Doubts about an act whose time of performance has passed
- Doubt after the Salam
- Doubt after the time of Namaz
- One who doubts too much
- Doubt in Mustahab prayers
- Doubts which are valid
- Method of offering Namaz-e-Ihtiyat
- Sajdatus Sahv (Sajdah for forgotten acts)
- Addition and omission of the acts and condition of prayers
- Prayers of a traveller (Musafir)
- Qadha prayers
- Qadha prayers of a father is obligatory on the eldest son
- Congregational prayers
- Namaz-e-Ayaat
- Method of offering Namaz-e-Ayaat
- Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha prayers
- Hiring a person to offer prayers

- Introduction
- Niyyat for fasting
- Things which make a Fast void
- Things which are Makrooh for a person observing Fast
- Obligatory Qadha Fast and Kaffarah
- Kaffarah for Fast
- Occasions on which it is obligatory to observe the Qadha only
- Rules regarding the Qadha fasts
- Fasting by a traveller
- People on whom fasting is not obligatory
- Method of ascertaining the first day of a month
- Haraam and Makrooh fasts
- Mustahab fasts
- Mustahab precautions

- Introduction
- Profit from earning
- Minerals
- Treasure - Trove
- When Halal property gets mixed up with Haraam property
- Gems obtained by sea diving
- Spoils of war
- Gems obtained by sea diving Zimmi from a Muslim
- Disposal of Khums

- Introduction
- Wheat, Barley, Dates and Raisins
- Minimum taxable limit of gold
- Taxable limit of silver
- Zakat payable on camel, cow and sheep (including goat)
- Minimum taxable limit of camels
- The minimum taxable limit of cows
- Taxable limit of sheep (including goats)
- Zakat on business goods
- Disposal of Zakat
- Qualifications of those entitled to receive Zakat
- Intention of Zakat
- Miscellaneous rules of Zakat
- Zakat of Fitrah
- Disposal of Fitra
- Miscellaneous matters regarding Fitrah

- Hajj

- Rules regarding purchase and sale
- Mustahab acts
- Makrooh transactions
- Haraam transactions
- Conditions of a seller and a buyer
- Conditions regarding commodity and what is obtained in exchange
- Formula of purchase and sale
- Purchase and sale of fruits
- Cash and credit
- Contract by advance payment
- Laws regarding advance payment contract
- Sale of gold and silver against gold and silver
- Circumstances in which one has a right to cancel a transaction
- Miscellaneous rules
- Laws of partnership
- Orders regarding compromise
- Rules regarding lease/rent
- Conditions regarding the property given on lease
- Conditions for the utilisation of the property given on lease
- Miscellaneous rules relating to lease/rent
- Rules regarding Ju'ala (payment of reward)
- Rules regarding Muzari'ah (temporary sharecropping contract)
- Rules regarding Musaqat and Mugharisa
- Persons who have no right of disposal or discretion over their own property
- Rules regarding agency (Wakalat)
- Rules regarding debt or loan
- Rules regarding Hawala (transferring the debts etc.)
- Rules regarding Mortgage (Rahn)
- Rules regarding Surety (Zamanat)
- Rules regarding personal guarantee for bail (Kafalat)
- Rules regarding deposit or custody or trust (Amanat)
- Rules regarding borrowing and lending (Ariyat)

- Introduction
- Marriage formula
- The method of pronouncing the marriage formula
- Conditions of pronouncing Nikah
- Occasions when husband or wife can nullify Nikah
- Women with whom matrimony is Haraam
- Rules regarding permanent marriage
- Mut'ah (temporary marriage)
- Looking at non-Mahram
- Miscellaneous rules concerning marriage
- Rules regarding suckling a child
- Conditions of pronouncing Nikah
- How to breast feed a child
- Miscellaneous rules regarding nursing a child

- Introduction
- Iddah of Divorce
- Iddah (waiting period)
- Irrevocable and revocable divorce
- Orders regarding return (Ruju')
- Khula' divorce or Talaqul Khula'
- Mubarat divorce
- Various rules regarding divorce

Usurpation (Ghasb)
- Usurpation (Ghasb)

Slaughtering and hunting of animals
- Introduction
- Method of slaughtering animals
- Conditions of slaughtering animals
- Method of slaughtering a camel
- Mustahab acts while slaughtering animals
- Makrooh acts
- Hunting with weapons
- Hunting with a retriever (hunting dog)
- Hunting of fish and locust
- Rules of things allowed to eat and drink
- Eating manners
- Acts which are unworthy to do while taking a meal
- Manners of drinking water

Vow, Covenant and Oath
- Rules regarding Vow (Nathr) and Covenant
- Rules regarding oath (Qasam)

- Rules Regarding Waqf

Rules regarding will (Wasiyyat)
- Introduction
- Inheritance
- Inheritance of the first group
- Inheritance of the second group
- Inheritance of the third group
- Inheritance by the husband and the wife
- Miscellaneous rules of inheritance