Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.


16 Safar 1437

The representative of the leading Marja’iyah in Europe speaks about the importance of the Ziyaratul-Arbaeen (40th day pilgrimage to the tomb of Al-Hussain a.s.), its legitimacy, and its social, political and cultural objectives
He says:
·         Let the world today see how the visitors of Imam Hussain (a.s.) enjoy the tranquilities of good ethics.
·         There are more than ten Ziyarates for Imam Hussain (a.s.) during the year which is not the case for other Massomeen. (a.s.)
·         Appeals to visitors to honour the aims of the movement of Hussain (a.s.)  and adhere to them, especially by performing obligatory prayers on time – as in the Hadith by Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.): “Our intercession shall not be achieved by he who takes his prayers lightly” and the negligent shall suffer fifteen types of punishments in both worlds.
Emphasizes upon organisers of processions and serving stops, not to indulge in waste and extravagance when dishing out food and other provisions and avoid showing off and bragging – in line with the leading Marja’iyah’s directives to the visitors of Imam Al-Hussain (a.s.)
  ·         One should ask oneself when visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hussain(a.s.), is he sincere when saying:  Wish we had been with you we would have gained a great victory ? And with every step taken will the visitor receive a good point and a bad point be erased? And when tears of grief for Imam Hussain (a.s.) flow, will it be as Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “On the day of resurrection all eyes will be weeping except the eye that wept for Hussain (a.s.) - which will be laughing.” 
·         Let those associated with the government who have no qualms in eating Haraam funds know,  by taking bribes from the vulnerable and the widows and orphans who hold the love of Hussain (a.s.) in their hearts and weep profoundly for him, that they will be among those referred to in the speech of the Aqeelah Zainab (a.s.) “Yes by God, weep much and laugh much for you have taken with you its shame and dishonour.”  
·         Imam Hussain (a.s.) is innocent of those who have hoarded the wealth of the Iraqi people for themselves in foreign banks – they will be engulfed and burnt by fire [of this wealth] on Judgment day and their punishment will be painful.