Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.
The pilgrim sets the intention – either for the ´Umrah or for the Hajj – to perform that act in order to attain Allah’s blessing. They are not required to know all the rituals in detail; it is sufficient to perform the rituals one after the other in the course of the pilgrimage by following a trustworthy person or a reliable manual. Their intention has to include the following:
1. The intention is set in order to attain closeness to Allah and Allah’s blessing, just as for every other act of worship.
2. The intention has to be set at particular places, as was explained in the chapter "Mawāqīt".
3. The intention must be specifically set for either ´Umrah or Hajj and the kind of pilgrimage must also be defined as Hağğu-t-Tamattu´, Hağğu-l-Ifrād or Hağğu-l-Qirān. If the pilgrimage is performed on behalf of another person, the intention must also be set precisely.
#177: It is not necessary to speak the intention out loud when it is set in mind, even though this is recommended. It is sufficient that it is consciously formed, just like in other acts of worship.
#178: If, on entering the state of consecration for the ´Umrah, the pilgrim has the intention to have sex with their spouse or to masturbate before having completed the ´Umrah, their state of consecration is not valid.