Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.
This speech was delivered on the anniversary of the Prophet's (sawas) demise, which coincidedwith Saturday, 28th Safar this year. He stated:
Since the Prophet Muhammad (sawas) was born and his blessed feet were walking onthe ground of this earth,and thefollowing groups constantly carry on with their efforts; the authors write,the researchers conduct their research, academics accomplish their tasks and the clericsspeak their sermons! However, they are still discovering more of theunrevealed aspects of his (sawas) personality.He is, the philosophy behind the existence of the whole universe: ‘O Ahmed,if it were not for the sake of you,I would never have created the whole universe!’
So keeping away from the two extreme sides of excesses, i.e. either falling short, or exaggerating about his personality, as the Jews and Christians have exaggerated about the prophets Moses and Jesus (as), we have to get the answer to the following question: How should one perceive the assessment of the Qur’an with regards to the status of prophethood?While reaching the answer, all the spurious doubts, lies and fabrications, which were raised against him by Orientalists and others, will berefutable. This shall alsocrush the evilfar-fetched hopes of the sick Umayyad mentality, including all those who have followed the same approach by fabricating Hadiths and narrations in order tooffendhis great image. Let's quote the Qur’an, and see what it statesabout the character of the Prophet (sawas):
1. He is described as a "human being" and a "servant":“Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing”(Qur’an, 17:1), and“Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner”(Qur’an, 25:1) and “Say, ‘I am only a human being like yourselves; but I receive the revelation” (Qur’an, 18:110).
Having a second look at this specialquality, we realize that Almighty Allah (swt) has singled out the Prophet (sawas) with unconditional servitude for His Almighty Sacred-self!Therefore,He has revealed to him what the Qur’an describes as follows: “so He has revealed to His servant(agreatpart of) revelation”.Indeed if he was not blessed with beinga‘servant’, he could never have risen to the elevatedstatus of prophethood!As a result of which we, Muslims, greet him with the famous sentence –during ‘tashahhud’- as follows: “I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger!”
2. Being equipped with ‘absolute knowledge’: “And (He) has taught you what you knew not..” (Qur’an, 4:114).
This knowledge, which recognizes no limits, nor can begrasped, is defined by its origin,as it is taught by AlmightyAllah (swt).It is the kind of knowledge that negates any form of doubt, error, mistake, forgetfulness and shortcoming!The source of this knowledge is certainty and internal peace!As such: It is not due to personal reflection [ijtihad]; some say that the Prophet (sawas) sentdelegations and military groups, solely on the basis of his personal reflection, therefore therewas no harm in contravening his order!
It is this knowledge –with all its details- which was inheritedby Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), who used to say: “The Prophet Muhammad (sawas) taught methousands of gates of knowledge, every gate opens a thousand principles of knowledge” and who (as) used to say: “Ask me before I departfromyou!” and this knowledge was inherited bythe infallible Imams (as) of his progeny (as) as they have said: “We inherit knowledge from our great fathersas it is passed on to the next generation!”
3- He was purified from any form of impurity, being spiritual or conscious! This is mentioned in the Qur’anic verse, which states: “Surely Allah desires to remove from you alluncleanness, O Members of the Household, and purify you completely.” (Qur’an, 33:33).
We mean by purity that he is purified of any filth, in thought orin behaviour, and of any impurity and polytheism, as he is infallible, as we address him: “I certify that you are a purified source of purification who was born from a purified source ofpurification, thusany landyou arein is cleaned, and any soil you live on or areburied inis cleaned...”This is all due to the fact that polytheism does not infiltrate the hearts of the prophets (as). Therefore, the Qur’an confirms his innocence from any treachery and his being purified from anysins, indecency and any form of injustice!It states that he would never indulge in degrading desires and passing whims!His household andthe Imams (as) of his family (as) are also like that.
Is there any confirmation that is superior to this statement? It is the confirmation of God to him and his family with the highest will that they willbe purified from all forms of shortcoming and errors!Therefore, we see that the Qur’an did not onlystate: ‘to purify you..’ [ويطهركم], rather it proceeded by saying: ‘…you withthe unconditional form of purification’ [تطهيرا],as it’s the ‘superlative objective’, in order to confirm the greatest purity of the messenger of Allah (sawas) and his family (as), astheir intention is pure and they are cleansed of evil thought and malevolentbehaviour.They do noteven think of evil,including all its types, such as betrayal, indecency and injustice!Indeed, evil cannot approach the heart of Muhammad (sawas) and the Imams (as), who are the descendants of Muhammad (sawas).
4. Worship: This is explained by the Qur’an’s statement: "Surely, your Lord knows that you stand up praying for nearly two-thirds of the night, and sometimes half or a third thereof." (Qur’an, 73:21)
He (sawas) was theperfectpersonification of worship!Even the historians narrated abouthim that: (he used to pray until his feet were inflamed and puffed-up.He was told: O,Prophet of Allah, you do this,while God (swt) has forgiven you all your sins–in the past or those that are about to come? He said: "Shouldn't I be a thankful Servant?", and readthe Qur’anic statement: "O, Taha, We have not revealed the Qur’an to you, in order to cause you rigorousness!"
And so the Imams (as) of his family were like him, and in the upfront of them, isImam Ali (as), who was the Imam of the niche!He is known with his legacy of shining supplications, suchas the blessed [Du’a] supplication of Kumayl, the dawn prayer and the ‘AlawiBook (of prayers), as well as what his grandson Imam Zayn Al-‘Abidin (as), has left for us, the ‘Psalms of Islam’ [Al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah].
5. High Morality, as the Qur’an states: "Indeed, you are with a great and elevated morality". Also, he says (sawas): “I was appointed prophethood in order to accomplish the moral virtues.” He did not say: ‘in order to establish moralvirtues”, because ethical values are God-given, innate in all human beings;rather he said: (to accomplish..), which indicates that he was appointed with prophethood, in orderto provide mankind’s instinct with the supplementaryproportionsof morality.
One of the most crucial and important attributes that led to the success -of the Prophet (sawas) in his task- was his high morality, despite the fact that he possessed (the eternal miracle, i.e. the Qur’an, being infallible and the ideal human...). Notwithstanding all of these, the most crucial attribute of his success in his call for Islam, was high morality, and this is confirmed by the Qur’an: “And it is by the great mercy of Allah that youare kind towards them, and if you had been rough and hard-hearted, they would surely have dispersed from around you...’ (Qur’an, 3:160). Indeed, the roughness of the Arabian desert was yearning to be treated with the softness and flexibility of the Prophet (sawas).Thus his high morality (sawas) wasthe miracle.
In addition to what we have mentioned, Allah (swt) has blessedHis Prophet (sawas) with four other honouringsigns, as were mentioned in the Qur’an,and they were not given, not even forone hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets (as) before him:
1. He is the great intercessor of the Day of Resurrection, as the Qur’an states: “And your Lord will soon give you and youwill be well pleased.” (Qur’an, 93:6)
The Prophet (sawas) had once entered Fatimah’s(as) house, while she was wearing a garment of camel-leather.She was busy grinding wheat withone hand, while breastfeeding her son with the help of theother! The eyes of the Prophet (sawas) filled with tears, when he saw this. He couldn’t help saying: Omy beloved girl,endurelife’s bitter condition of this world, aiming at being pleased with the sweet Divine reward of the life hereafter. Allah Almighty (swt) revealed to him: “And thy Lord will soon give you and youwill be well pleased.” (Qur’an, 93:6).Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq (as) said: “My grandfather was pleasedwith the Divine Gift that all monotheistic individuals will be spared from Hell-fire”. As such, the Prophet (sawas) is –indeed- the great intercessor.
2. “We gave you al-Kawthar”.(Qur’an, 108:1). Almighty God (swt) has promised him that his physical existence will be blessed with great bounty!Therefore, he was promised: “We gave you al-Kawthar”!Currently,all his descendants, whose number exceeds millions around the globe, are the best examples of what the Qur’anhas described: “We gave you al-Kawthar”.
3. He is our channel to Almighty Allah (swt). The Qur’an states: "Had they, when they wronged themselves, come to you, and prayed for God's forgiveness, and the Messenger had prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found God Relenting and Merciful." (Qur’an, 4:64).
Muslims since the early days of Islam, up to and including today, have been visiting the tomb of the Prophet (sawas) and pleading beside his tomb to Almighty God (swt) to assist themin getting their needs fulfilled in this worldly life, and/orthe life hereafter, and we do not care aboutthose who say otherwise.
4. His Honour and elevated status: The Qur’an said: “And raised for you your reputation?” (Qur’an, 94: 4). Despite the evil insinuation of the enemies, the name ‘Muhammed’ is shining even more than ever. The Ummayads, their followers -amongst others- the Orientalists and the apostates have tried to put him down, degrade his position, and ruin the Prophet’s (sawas) reputation, but Almighty God (swt) has only wanted to honour him more and let his light shine ever brighter. The Qur’an said: “And raised for you your reputation?” (Qur’an, 94: 4).
These were only some of the Qur'anicenlightening points about the characteristics of the Prophet,Muhammad al-Mustafa (sawas).The historical records have somuch to speak out about his character; however, we cannot even refer to those records, due to shortage of time!All the same, divine will has pre-destinedthat -in days like these- the compassionate Prophet (sawas) would leave his nation [ummah] to his final destination close to Merciful Almighty (swt): ‘..associated with His elevated angels, withHis Lord All-Compassionate, to His Love, Almighty Allah (swt)’. He has left the Muslim nation [ummah]sad in tears and grieving in pain and sorrow. Then ‘I swear by Almighty God (sawas) that thisis an immensetragedy and great calamity, which cannot be comparedwith any calamity in the past, or any tragedy yet to come’. This tragedy has been‘declared in the Holy Qur’an by Almighty God (swt) throughout your gatherings, during nights and days!It was declaring the farewell of the Messenger of humanity and the personification of Divine love, so he died likeall other messengers (as) of God (swt) as predestined fate and inevitable death’. This tragedy has been a great loss that can never be compensated!
So we say to him: ‘Farewell! O, Prophet of humanity and endlesslove! You were, indeed, full of affection and mercy for the believers, and stern and firm,likeDivine vengeance against thedisbelievers. So, peace be upon you, when you were the prenatal light in your grandfathers’ cells andgrandmothers’ pure wombs!You were the purified Prophet (sawas), who was never contaminated by the filth of the ignorant epoch! So peace be upon you the day you were born, the days, during which you lived and the day you will be called to life from death.
When we remember these sad days, andsorrowfully repeat saying:‘goodbye to the Prophet (sawas),on this anniversary’, we have to remember that he left twoDivine weights, namelythe Holy Book (al-Qur’an) and his purified Imams (as). They were leftfor us, Muslims, in order to follow their exemplary lifestyle and pursue their teachings, so that we mayachieve happiness,both in this worldly life and in the life hereafter.
However, it is sad and painful to observe how the Muslim nation [ummah] did not adhere to the will of the Prophet (sawas), as, due to being fully and lovingly attached to this worldly life, they indulged in their desires and evil whims, ignoring what their Prophet (sawas) had recommended for his nation. The fatal doom was only the natural consequence of their ignorance. The Qur’an states about this fate: “Had the people of the towns believed and became righteous, We would have openedthe blessings of the heaven and the earth for them, but they rejected the truth, so We seized them by what they were doing.” (Qur’an, 7: 96). What kind of torture is worse than being degraded down to the level of begging from the enemies of humanity, remaining humble at their feet, and declaring war on those who are beloved by Almighty Allah (swt), and remaining harsh against them.
The Qur’an states: “Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Those with him are stern against the disbelievers, yet compassionate amongst themselves. You see them kneeling, prostrating, seeking blessings from God and approval. Their marks are on their faces from the effects of prostration. Such is their description in the Torah, and their description in the Gospel: like a plant that sprouts, becomes strong, grows thick, and rests on its stem, impressing the farmers. Through them, He enrages the disbelievers. God has promised those among them who believe and do good deeds forgiveness and a great reward.” (Qur’an, 48: 29).
We ask Allah, the Almighty (swt) to strengthen our faith, keep us firm on the Right Path, improve our conditions and grant us victory against our enemies! He is indeed listeningand blessing withHis bounties!