Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

English translation of the Statement from Imam Ali Foundation - London, concerning the crime against the holy shrines of Imam Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari (may Allah bless them) in Iraq.

English translation of the Statement from Imam Ali Foundation - London, concerning the crime against the holy shrines of Imam Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari (may Allah bless them) in Iraq.

By His Name, The Most High

Statement of Condemnation

And do not think Allah to be heedless of what the unjust do..

1. We condemn in the strongest possible term the disloyal attack on the holy shrine of Imam Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari (may Allah bless them). It is an attack on the feelings of Muslims in general and the followers of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) in particular, especially since both Imams (A.S.) we not only leaders among their Shia followers, but exemplary personalities for humanity as a whole.

2. For this reason we call upon the Islamic world in particular and Islamic and international organizations together with Muslim Scholars and others to condemn this heinous crime, which constitutes a dangerous turning point in the series of attacks on Islamic sanctities and places of worship. If the Islamic world remains silent about this latest crime without punishing the criminals and transgressors, then one cannot guarantee the safety of any Islamic site in future. The Islamic world, with its scholars, intellectuals, professionals and devout Muslims and non-Muslims must stand hand in hand in condemning the evil attack.

3. We hold, the unjust faction (Takfiries) who have strayed from the noble path of Islam, Saddam’s mercenaries and coalition forces responsible for the appalling deterioration in the security situation. We ask international bodies to use the means at their disposal to bring pressure to bear on coalition forces to protect the lives of Muslims and their sanctities, which according to Shari’a law and international law the responsibility is entirely theirs. We also hold the Iraqi government responsible for the protection of holy shrines and revered places. Should the government not fulfill its responsibilities in this regard then the Iraqi people will be forced to ensure their own safety and that of their holy shrines. We urge the UN and UNESCO and international church councils to condemn this terrible crime and seriously work towards stopping the extremism as directed by some people against the holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family) and by others against his pure family – both of whom serve one shared objective.

4. We also call upon organizations, mosques, and Islamic centers in the UK to stand together in the face of this crime that has touched the hearts of all Muslims. This can be done through organized, peaceful and civilized protests and by showing total respect for the law in accordance with the guidance issued today by the supreme Marja’iyyah in Najaf.

We are fully aware that the malicious hands of the unjust faction (Takfiries) who have strayed form the noble path of Islam are intent on harming the unity of the Iraqi people and create discord among Muslims. However, our people in Iraq are fully alert to the fact that the enemy wants to draw them into this abhorrent quagmire – and Allah Almighty willing - the Iraqi people will not fall for it.

We ask Allah, the Omnipotent to protect this oppressed nation and the followers of Ahlul- Bayt (may Allah bless them) and peace loving Muslims from all harm.

Imam Ali (A.S.) Foundation - London
23 Muharram 1427 A.H.
22 February 2006