Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.
He was speaking immediately after his visit to H. E. Sayyid Al-Seestani (long may he live), who had visitors from inside and outside Iraq gathering to see him. He said:
“Our Grand Marja’ (long may he live) was welcoming his visitors with interest and warmth, praying for them to succeed in both worlds. But what drew my attention from the way His Eminence treated his visitors from all walks of life and different nationalities is:
The way he (long may he live) honours men of knowledge, whatever their specialties or scientific ranks may be. As a sign of respect, he stands up when greeting them. He commends them on the services they provide in various fields. As for teachers and university lecturers, he speaks to them from the bottom of his heart and considers them to be responsible and entrusted with educating generations of students. H. E. says to them: “Be humble to those you teach as you to whom you learn from.” Stressing upon them to instill confidence in the hearts of students and in their studies and treat them gently, kindly, like a loving father with his children. H. E. added:
• Provide them with the latest information that you have acquired, because the world today is undergoing a scientific and an industrial revolution.
• Educate them on the ethics of the prophethood and to respect and help each other so as to be an ideal example in their social relations with others according to the saying of the Massoom: “Be dignified for us, not a disgrace.”
In another conversation with lecturers H. E. said: “You are the captains of this ship so steer [your students] to the shores of safety and protect them from what’s happening in the arena; from political talk and myths about the Islamic Caliphate and other such matters that only intend to preoccupy young peoples’ minds and divert them from the right path – which is the Islam that was delivered by the best of creations (s.a.w.w.).
((If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)) Holy Qur’an 3:85.
Also, cultivate the spirit of seeking help from Allah Almighty in all their affairs, because if the servant seeks help from Allah Almighty, then Allah will grant success and enlightens his path. ((One Day shalt thou see the believing men and the believing women- how their Light runs forward before them and by their right hands: (their greeting will be): "Good News for you this Day! Gardens beneath which flow rivers! To dwell therein for aye! This is indeed the highest Achievement!")) Holy Qur’an 57:12 - so they attain happiness in both worlds.”
In another conversation with military leaders and their staff, H. E. said: “You are the protectors of the homeland and its trustees and guarding it’s frontiers from all evil and aggression. I am proud of you my dears, and I pray for your victory over your enemies and the enemies of Iraq.”
His Eminence’s nature in welcoming his visitors
H. E. the Sayyid (long may he live) cares about all his visitors whatever their status, age and class may be. He greets them with warmth and love as well as the children that come with their parents – placing his hands on their head and prays for their success.
1- Among H. E’s kind ways, he does not accept people to kiss his hand - a handshake only - unless the individual insists upon doing so. I also noticed when a group of ladies are among his men visitors; he shows respect for them by mentioning them in his conversation – even when translation is required, he asks the translator to include the ladies as well. H. E. also does not agree to anyone sitting on the floor whilst he is sitting higher up. It is only on doctor’s orders he does not sit on the floor – otherwise he likes to do so.
2-Regarding his interest in the personal affairs of the believers who live in poverty stricken areas and outdated professions; H. E. tells the parents to “care about pushing your children towards education and not restrict them to the old professions, rather urge them to find their way in modern subjects and help them to attain this so they may stand out in society – because the world is evolving day by day. Your yesterday is not like your today and your today is not like tomorrow.”
3- I also noticed that H. E. urges young people to learn and acquire new sciences and knowledge and obtain the highest grades and qualifications to fulfil themselves and enlighten the path for others in their country and faith; because knowledge is light that benefits everyone. He also urged them to respect their tutors and lecturers because they are spiritual fathers [for them] and are bestowing their favour upon by teaching you different knowledge.”
4- In a special assembly for women, H. E. urged the sisters to adorn themselves with good traits and values that depict the position of women in Islamic society by adhering to their religion, faith, ethics, values, hijab and chastity. H. E. said: “The hijab decreed by Islam is only to honour the woman and cherish her for it will not prevent her from learning and acquiring knowledge - subject to her complying with her Islamic duties and chastity.” In reply to a question from a sister who asked: “What does H. E. advise us as students?” H. E. stressed on early marriage when the necessary condition are available for both parties, because if not, then it would be a reason for rampant corruption is some places – emphasizing not to impose excessive dowries and conditions that may discourage the young man from early marriage. H. E. said: “Let our principle here be the saying of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) (If you are happy with the character and the religion of he who has come forth then marry him).”
5-H. E emphasized on the groups living in major cities and far between places that they should have regular monthly meetings, attended at least by the educated and elderly members to discuss what they need to do to address their social, educational, political and other matters. This will strengthen their links, unity, understanding and interaction with each other. Should they require expert opinion then they can call upon those competent specialist to reach an appropriate conclusion. Such a gathering preserves them and their children from dangers.
6-In another session, H. E. stressed upon the rights of husband and wife, and that neither contravenes the outlined Shar’i limits. By doing so, they will both avoid family disagreements that have a detrimental effect on the children - thus affecting their studies and future. Should disagreements arise, which rarely do not occur, then let it be restricted between the couple only.
((And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers... )) Holy Qur’an 9:105.