Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.
H. E. Head of the United Nations Security Council,
We have been informed of the attempts to include the so called “administrative law for the transitional period” in the new UNSC Resolution on Iraq, with a view to making it appear internationally legitimate.
This “law” that has been drawn up by an un-elected council under occupation, and through its direct influence, would restrict the national assembly which is due to be elected early next year – to draw up the permanent Iraqi constitution.
This is against the laws and rejected by most Iraqi people. Therefore, any attempt to make this “law” appear legitimate by including it in the international resolution is considered as contrary to the desire of the Iraqi people and a forewarning to dangerous consequences.
Kindly convey the position of the Religious Marja’iyya in this regard to their Excellencies the honorable members of the Security Council.
Thank you
Seal of the Office of Ayatullah Seestani in Najaf
6 June 2004